Provita will occupy the entire space in the myhive Iride 18 Bucharest

Immofinanz has concluded a long-term rental contract for roughly 11.000 sqm with the Provita Group, one of the leading medical center providers in Romania.

Provita will occupy the entire space in the myhive Iride 18, a recently modernised building in the Iride Business Park, where it plans to open a multi-disciplinary hospital.

The rental contract covers a term of 25 years.

The new hospital will have a capacity of 110 beds and seven operating rooms. The opening is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2022.

Immofinanz Romanian property portfolio had a carrying amount of EUR 757.3 million as of 30 September 2020, which represents 15.3% of the total portfolio.

The 13 standing investments have roughly 334.000 sqm of rentable space, and the occupancy rate equals 93.6%.

- Publicitate -

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