CTP starts construction of the third logistic park in Arad

CTP continues to develop its portfolio in Romania with a new industrial park in Arad. CTPark Arad West benefits from both public transport and a very good connection to the A1 motorway, less than one km away.

With an area that will total approximately 100.000 sqm, CTPark Arad West is the first project built by CTP in Arad. The group entered Arad market in 2015 and owns CTPark Arad and CTPark Arad North, totalling almost 60.000 sqm.

The new CTPark Arad West project will accommodate both CTFlex spaces for small and medium-sized companies and CTSpace spaces for companies that need generous floor space.

Development work will start in the last quarter of 2022, and the first of the planned 100.000 sqm will be delivered in 2023.

CTP currently has a total of approximately 290.000 sqm under development in several cities in Romania, including Arad, Oradea, Timisoara and Bucharest.

SEE ALSO: The M&A advisory firm Atout Capital enters the Romanian market

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