Used Products to expand into Romanian cities with a population of over 50.000

Dutch retailer Used Products announces an expansion plan that aims Romanian cities with a population of over 50.000.

Used Products currently owns three franchised stores in Romania, the first launched in 2018 in Cluj-Napoca, the second last year in Timisoara, and the third in February 2022 in Bucharest.

This last opening also marked the company’s entry into the Capital’s market. The new unit has an area of approximately 100 square meters.

The investment in this case was about 60,000 euros, from which 25,000 euros were allocated for the stock of products imported from the Netherlands.

Currently, the number of products in stock is exceeding 1.800, from categories such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, gaming consoles, cameras and videos, televisions, equipment audio, etc.

The Used Products franchise has been active on the European market since 1997, with over 50 stores open in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Romania.

In 2021, the local branch of the Dutch retailer recorded a turnover of 823.000 euros, with the prospect of accelerated growth in the coming years.

MUST READ: Cyberjump is set to open its first location in Romania

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