Skanska invests EUR 45 M in the second phase of Equilibrium Bucharest

Skanska invests EUR 45M in the second building of the Equilibrium office project located in the northern part of Bucharest.

The 12-storey building will comprise of a total leasable area of 19,900 sqm and 229 parking lots above and underground.

At its completion, the entire two-building Equilibrium complex will offer 40,800 square meters of leasable area.

The project has a unique mix of green relaxation spaces, with modern exterior furniture that incorporates wireless chargers, power sockets and free WiFi, but also with numerous facilities to encourage urban mobility and an active lifestyle.

Construction works are planned to be started in February 2021 and are scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2023.

The first phase of the project, Equilibrium 1, became operational on November 1, 2019.

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