Romanian start-up Dressingz raises a 300.000 euro investment

Romanian start-up Dressingz raised the first pre-seed financing round of 300,000 EUR and will go for a second round before the end of year, aiming for expansion on the European market.

The online platform offers to its community of users the opportunity to sell the clothes they don’t wear anymore, and cash-in fast and easy.

At the same time, it offers the chance to access pre-owned luxury fashion, that is authenticated by top experts and sold with up to 80% discount from the retail price.

Thus, any user can submit an item for sale on the platform or through the mobile app. They fill in a quick & intuitive article form, upload pictures (taken with the smartphone), fill in the price and it’s ready to go.

But before appearing on the site, the item is verified by Dressingz experts, specialized in luxury authentication, based on the photos submitted.

When an item is sold, it can also go through a physical check & authentication, before getting in the hands of the buyer.

Buyers can make offers and the sellers can accept, reject or counter offer, with just a click. When the item is sold, the seller receives the free shipping label (AWB), which can be downloaded.

The courier comes to pick up the package and the seller gets the money in a maximum of five working days after the item is delivered.

MUST READ: 97% of Romanians use a smartphone. Samsung is their favourite brand

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