Restart Energy Sărmășag solar park to deliver 55 million KWh per year

Restart Energy signed the connection contract for the 50 MW solar project from Sărmășag, Sălaj county.

The project represents an investment of 40 million euros, money that will be used for the construction of the park that will be functional in the first quarter of 2022.

The 50 MW project is the first step in Restart Energy’s development strategy, aiming to integrate the upstream segment of the company involving green energy projects of 500 MW till the end of 2025.

Restart Energy Sărmășag park will generate an annual energy production of 55 million KWh, enough for supplying 30.000 households with green energy.

115 new jobs

The Sărmășag project was purchased at the brownfield stage from a team of developers with experience in green energy parks.

Through this project, Restart aims to create 100 jobs during construction and 15 permanent jobs during operation. Last year, Restart Energy had a 180 million lei turnover.

- Publicitate -

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