OTP Bank grants EUR 9m financing for the construction of Prima Shops Sibiu

OTP Bank provides approximately EUR 9m in financing to real estate developer Oasis Retail Development, for the construction of the Prima Shops Sibiu retail park.

The first stage of development for the retail park will have a rentable commercial space of 9,000 sqm, distributed in 11 retail units.

The financing granted by OTP Bank represents 75% of the total investment.

The retail space delivery towards the future tenants will take place in August 2021, and the opening for the public is sheduled for October 2021.

In the next development phase several retail stores will be built, which will complete the mix of existing tenants, as well as service spaces and several restaurants.

Unpon completion, the entire Prima Shopping Center Sibiu project will have a total area of 60,000 square meters and will be one of the largest retail park projects in the west of the country.

- Publicitate -


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