More than a third of Romanians (34.3%) want to take out a loan in the coming months, of which almost 62% want a personal needs loan, according to a TBI Bank survey.
Almost 20% of the respondents want to use the money to renovate their houses, about 18% need the financing to buy a car, and almost 12% want to buy household appliances.
Also, for the majority of respondents (63,8%), the favorable terms are the most important element when choosing the bank to obtain financing, while 28% say that credibility of the institution is a critical factor.
More than 40% of the respondents said that they need financing of up to 10.000 lei, while almost 50% think they would fully pay the loan in maximum 3 years.
About 90% of the subjects said that they can repay a loan given the current economic context and the family’s financial situation, although some of them would have some difficulties.
In a case where they would no longer be able to pay the loans, almost 35% of the respondents said that they would ask for help from the relatives, almost 17% would choose to make another credit, and 4,6% would give up paying.