Masterbuild invests 20 million euros in a logistic park near Bucharest

Masterbuild announces the start of new investment in a logistics park of over 16,000 sqm near Bucharest.

The investment area of ​​34,000 sqm is located in Butimanu, Dambovita county and will need approximately 20 million euros.

The new logistics park will take over the increased market demand for industrial and storage spaces with special thermal conditions.

This is requested especially by the consumer goods industries (meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits) but also by the pharmaceutical industry or other sectors.

The Build-to-Suit development will benefit from class A construction standards, with a hall height of up to 14m and sustainable construction elements.

The project is equipped with photovoltaic panels and an extensive ultra-light green roof, which will save up to 30% of the energy and maintenance costs.

MUST READ: CTP plans over €1 billion investments in urban logistics projects in Germany

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