Karan Khurana, an executive with over 25 years of experience, is the new CEO of METRO Romania

METRO Romania announces the appointment of Karan Khurana, an executive with 25 years of experience in international trade, as the company’s CEO, effective as of the month of August  2024.

Mr. Karan succeeds Adrian Ariciu, promoted to Executive Vice-President for Eastern Europe at METRO AG in June, after four years at the helm of METRO Romania.

Karan Khurana joined METRO Group in February 2019, initially holding the position of Vice President Value Creation METRO Japan, and in June 2019, becoming Director Sales & Operations METRO Japan.

In January 2022, Karan Khurana took over the lead of strategic transformation initiatives at  METRO AG group level, as Vice President Value Creation Lead Growth Transformation, and a year later, he was appointed Sales & Operations Director at METRO Turkey.

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