Only 8% of Romanians pay their debts in a responsible way, while 77% do not feel any moral pressure if they do not pay their debts, latest KRUK study shows.
In addition, 43% of the respondents do not consider that debts should be paid because it is fair, although three quarters of them believe that debtors are not reliable individuals.
Moreover, 88% would like to be rewarded for paying their debts on time, given that 39% of Romanians do not do so. Out of these, almost one third have exceeded the 30-day term.
Furthermore, the study shows that payment is not a priority for 16% of the Romanians who have loans.
3% of Romanians still believe that nothing can happen to them if they do not pay their debts on time.
The indebtedness level has increased this year by over 4%, both in terms of individuals (172 billion lei compared to the first quarter of last year) and legal entities (220 billion lei).
A significant part of those who have to pay their installments – the most recent estimate mentioned 10% of deferred loans – will fall into the category of non-performing.