Up to 53% of employees expect their salaries to increase this year, and 40% plan to look for another job if this does not happen soon, according to a survey conducted by Undelucram.ro
Around 27% of employees say they would need a 20-30% pay rise to make ends meet, 20% need a 10-15% pay rise, and about 19% need a 15-20% increase.
About 7% of respondents said they would like a pay rise of more than 50% to meet ends and 6.5% of employees said they would make do with their expenses even if their salary did not increase this year.
If their salary does not increase, 41% of employees plan to look for another job, 19% will try a renegotiation with their direct manager, 13% will look for additional collaboration or a second job.
Approximately 35% of employees say their salary grows annually, 28% only due to renegotiation, 19% of employees have higher wages based on performance.
12% say their company only increases salaries annually for certain positions. Nearly 2% of respondents answered that they get a higher salary every quarter and 5% every two years.
Only 8% say they will do very well even if they don’t get a pay rise
If they don’t get a higher salary this year, 29% of employees say they will manage but will make minor adjustments – go on fewer holidays, buy some cheaper products.
Around 23% think they will manage, but only if they make considerable adjustments – they will stop buying new clothes, choose private label products as often as possible, pay close attention to utility costs.
17% think they will find it very difficult to get by because the bank rates and other significant expenses already account for a lot of their monthly income.
Around 13% say they will find it challenging to get by even if they have no installments because their salary is relatively low and they have no growth prospects.
10% say they will find it quite difficult to get by because installments represent a large percentage of the family’s monthly income, but their parents also help them.
On the other hand, 8% say they will manage quite well and will not cut back on their expenses.