Empatio to lease 200 square meters within the Eminescu Offices project

Empatio has leased ​​an area of 200 square meters within the Eminescu Offices project Bucharest.

Here, recovery services will be provided by specialists in neurology, manual therapy, visceral osteopathy, P-DTR, acupuncture, homeopathy and emotional therapy.

The clinic will join the other tenants present in the building, including Oscar Downstream and Bilfinger.

The opening of the clinic is scheduled for April 2022 and marks Empatio’s entry on the Bucharest market.

The clinic was founded by Dr. Orest Bolbocean, who owns two other clinics in Iaşi: one specialized in neurology, P-DTR, emotional therapy and a physiotherapy clinic for adults and children.

The Empatio Clinic is a flagship clinic and consists of specialists in neurology, manual therapy, P-DTR, kinesiology, acupuncture, homeopathy.

Eminescu Offices is a premium project, an office building with a special design and an exterior facade that fits the area profile.

The building has a leasable area of ​​7,000 square meters distributed on the ground floor and seven above-ground floors.

The office spaces are of the open space type, with terraces on each floor, the building design facilitating the access to natural light in all areas.

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