Dental imaging network DigiRay acquires Dental Scan clinics

Dental and maxillofacial imaging network DigiRay which is majority-owned by Black Sea Fund, has bought Dental Scan clinics.

Thus, the company is expanding in Bucharest with two more units.

DigiRay is a dental and maxillofacial imaging clinics network founded in 2011 by doctor Cristian Pop in Zalău.

At the end of 2020, DigiRay attracted Black Sea Fund as an investor, which bought the majority stake.

Plans: Clinics in all Romanian cities with more than 40,000 inhabitants

The acquisition of Dental Scan is part of DigiRay’s strategy to expand to all Romanian cities with more than 40,000 inhabitants.

Currently, DigiRay has a network of 14 clinics in Zalău, Satu-Mare, Baia-Mare, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu-Mureș, Bistrita-Nasaud, Sibiu, Craiova, Constanta and Bucharest.

The company also has a dental laboratory in Cluj-Napoca.

Two other transactions in pipeline

DigiRay will open seven more units by the end of December in Botoșani, Suceava, Galați, Brăila, Râmnicu -Vâlcea and Pitești.

The network could end the year with 21-26 units, the number depending on the timing of the completion of the deal with the two Dental Scan clinics and two other deals.

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