Children’s books, the stars at the second edition of Libris online books fair

Over 300,000 Romanians visited LibFest, a book fair organized by between November 24-27.

In total, the second edition of the virtual fair attracted 25% more visitors than the previous edition.

In the 4 days of the fair, almost 65,000 volumes were sold, with an average of 5 books per order.

Three top Romanian writers are among the best-selling authors: Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, Mihai Morar and Adina Moldoveanu, while Ioana Chicet-Macoveiciuc leads in the top sales of children’s books.

One third of the number of visitors to the LibFest book fair were readers between 35 and 44 years old, closely followed by the category of young readers 25-34 years old.

During the 4 days of the fair, most of them bought children’s books (25%), fiction (21%) and personal development books (10%).

Most orders were placed from Bucharest, Cluj, Timis, Brasov and Iasi. The average order was 5 books, and at the level of the entire fair almost 65,000 books were sold.

The busiest day in terms of orders was Wednesday, November 24, and over 90% of orders were delivered within 24 hours.

Over 15% of orders have been lifted from lockers, a new fast delivery method offered by Libris since the end of October.

100% Romanian business, Libris entered the book market in 1991, with the bookstore Șt. O. Iosif from Brașov.

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