In retail banking business, BCR generated total new loans in local currency to individuals and micro businesses of RON 3.7 billion in H1 2020 mainly driven by mortgage loans.
Cash loan sales decreased by 9.3% yoy, impacted in Q2 2020 by lower consumption and higher uncertainties generated by the pandemic context.
Mortgage new sales grew by 25% yoy in H1 2020 mainly driven by standard product. Newloans to micros went up by 24.0% yoy in H1 2020.
In corporate banking business, BCR approved new corporate loans of RON 3.2 billion in H1 2020. The stock of financing for SME segment (including BCR Leasing subsidiary) increased by 9% yoy to RON 6.3 billion (EUR 1.3 billion) as of 30 June 2020, as a result of a high focus on new business and advance in leasing.
Public Sector financing increased by 16.1% yoy. Real Estate segment strongly increased by 20.9% year-on-year on drawdowns within the office and commercial projects financed over the last year.
The intelligent banking platform George reached 900.000 users, up by 70% as compared to H1 2019. The number of transactions through George increased by 130% in H1 2020 as compared to the same period in 2019.
In addition, there was an increase of over 150% in accessing banking products in the digital platform, the biggest appetite being for the 100% online George account, which reached a share of 52% of the total current accounts opened in 2020.
The shared online platform Casa Mea App, that runs document workflow for proprietary mortgage, has been already used for 44% of disbursed loans.