Axpo to develop wind farms with 250 MW capacity in Romania

Axpo announced today that two wind farms with a combined total of 38 turbines are in the planning stage in Romania. Overall, the development pipeline includes wind farms with an installed capacity of 3.5 GW.

Construction is expected to commence at the end of 2023 in locations about 100 km north-east and 200 km east of Bucharest. The facilities will produce 750 GWh of electricity a year – equivalent to the power consumption of around 375.000 Romanian households.

The expansion of wind energy in Romania will also create employment across the entire project development value chain, from land acquisition to plant commissioning and operation management.

Axpo, through its subsidiary Volkswind, has developed more than 80 wind farms in Germany and France with an installed capacity of over 1,350 MW.

In France, the company is already one of the leading companies in the development and construction of wind energy plants.

Also, Axpo markets approximately 19,700 megawatts of solar and wind energy on behalf of its customers.

MUST READ: PNE Group sold Hultema wind farm project in Sweden

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