1 in 2 Romanians does not believe at all that cash contributes to the spread of the new coronavirus, a Reveal Marketing study shows.
In contrast, 29% of respondents state the opposite – they are confident that cash can spread the virus. Those who are passive on this subject represent 21% of respondents.
Those who believe that the virus can be transmitted by cash are the youngest respondents – single millennials – 36%.
At the opposite pole are 63% of young professionals, followed by more than half of single adults (55%).
Similarly, about half of modern families (49%) and half of traditional families (51%) do not expect the money to influence the transmission of the new coronavirus in any way.
Looking at the entire sample, 21% of Romanians do not express any strong opinion on this subject. The passive segments in this regard are retired seniors – 32% of them are neutral on this question, as are 22% of modern families.
Romanian to pay less with cash this year
More than half of Romanians (55%) say that next year they will use less and less cash – especially educated adults and those without a partner.
67% of single adults and 63% of modern families say that in 2021 they will make fewer cash payments.
Even 62% of retired seniors agree. Instead, a third of Romanians (33%) believe that they will use as much cash in the next year as they used in 220.
Traditional families and young professionals are equal (about 40% in both segments) in terms of payment habits – they will use as much cash as last year.
Only 2% of respondents say they will use more cash this year, and 10% selected „Don’t know” when asked about their payment habits next year.